Teen Minyan Sponsorship
Encourage your children to attend Emek’s Teen Minyan in our newly refurbished ECC Teichman Beis Midrash. Give your children the opportunity to participate in a weekly Shabbat Minyan as Baalei Tefilla, Baalei Kriya , get Aliyos and be Gabboim under the auspices of Emek’s Head of School, Rabbi Mordechai Shifman. Ages 10-12 require an accompanying adult. 13 and above can attend on their own. Shul has a mechitza and girls are encouraged to attend. We have a spectacular Kiddush.
Kiddush sponsors are welcome:
Basic Cholent Kiddush - $250
Gala Kiddush with Chicken poppers and Kugel - $500
Davening begins 8:45 am sharp. Kiddush 10:15 am