Sarit Radaei 

Ive been teaching Hebrew for the past 12 years. I truly feel it's my mission to be able to teach the language of our home and I love teaching it through the Jewish culture. 
"Emek is my home away from home"

To contact Sarit Radaei, email [email protected]


Ruth Dimant

To contact Morah Ruth, email [email protected]


Mazal Malca 


To contact Mazal Malca, email [email protected]


Hila Mizrahi

To contact Hila Mizrahi, email [email protected].


Mona Riss 

To contact Morah Malka, email [email protected]


Tova Malik

Tova Malik was born in Europe brought up in my early childhood in Israel and then moved on to Montreal where she graduated from McGill University.  
She always knew Emek would be my home away from home. Never did she think it would be a place she spent more time than any place she's lived.

To contact Tova malik, email [email protected]