Chol Hamoed Sukkos Family Fun Day
The premier chol hamoed sukkos event for Los Angeles Jewish families. A fun filled day complete with carnival rides and games, delicious bbq lunch, video game arcade and performers. Come out for the day with your family and treat them to a blast for one all inclusive price. Our large sukkah has plenty of room for 1000-2000 people in attendance. Pavilion sponsorships are available as well as advertising opportunities in our event magazine. For more information, contact Rabbi M. Tropper, [email protected]
Father/Son Learning League
A new twist on the traditional Saturday night father/son learning. This is a great opportunity to participate in quality, meaningful Torah learning with your son. Following each weekly session boys compete in our basketball league. Learning is directed by experienced and dynamic Rabbis and each age group receives a weekly lesson as well as one on one learning with their father. Basketball league follows standards of youth basketball found throughout the United States, and has over 115 participants each season.
Father/Son Shabbos Program
Traditional father/son learning program that takes place each Shabbos of the school year in our Chandler campus Teichman Family Beis Midrash. This program begins each week at 10:45am with one-on-one learning as you find the answers on the week’s parsha question sheet. Following the learning each week one of the boys says a dvar Torah, Rabbi Tropper tells an exciting story, raffles are held and treats are distributed. A gala Kiddush is held the last Shabbos of each month.
Chanukah Bingo Bonanza
An exciting evening of food, family and fun. Join the Emek community as both adults and children compete for great prizes during an evening of Bingo. An excellent way to support our senior class as well as our school. This event takes place one of the evenings during the Chanukah holiday.
World's Noisiest Megillah Reading
Kick off Purim day with a megillah reading even the kids can sit through! Our yearly megillah reading has been rated World’s noisiest by leading authorities. All children are invited to participate in wiping out the name of the evil Haman with as much noise as possible. Following the reading, a gala breakfast is served and children participate in a mishloach manos exchange.
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